If you are unable to use standard printed materials, 学生无障碍服务 has resources available to help you get alternate版本.


在很多情况下, textbooks are available for purchase online from the 出版商 or another source in electronic format (e.g., etextbook, Kindle, Nook, Learning Ally, Bookshare). After registering for classes, obtain a list of the textbooks required for each class from the MG冰球突破试玩书店.

  • Students who wish only to purchase the accessible version of a text should visit the 接入文本网络.
  • 哲学和神学课程的课本, many of the smaller publishing houses will send you to Amazon for an electronic version of your text(s).
  • 阅读培生出版的教科书, check the Vital Source Bookshelf 读er for etext versions available. If you purchase a hard 复制 of the book and want the etext version as well, you can 电子邮件 备用.Textbooks@pearsoned.com 与作者, title, and 国际标准图书编号 of the book you bought — along with a 复制 of your receipt — and they will provide you with free access to the VitalSource eTextbook.

    Procedure for Obtaining Alternative Versions through 学生无障碍服务

    If the textbook is not available for purchase in electronic format or the format available is not accessible, submit a written request to 学生无障碍服务 including the textbook title, 作者, 国际标准图书编号, 版权日期, 出版商, 和版.

    • 根据著作权法, students must purchase the physical textbook or other instructional material to receive an accessible version of the text from the Coordinator of Student Accessibilities 服务s.
    • Once you have purchased a print 编辑ion of the text, upload your receipt with the textbook information in an 电子邮件 to the Coordinator of Student Accessibilities 服务. Proof of purchase is typically a 复制 of the receipt or charge that includes the date of purchase, title, 和成本. 
    • Upon receiving the 电子邮件 and purchase information, the Coordinator of 学生无障碍服务 will search for an accessible version of your books from the 出版商 or other source of 改动nate format texts.
    • Notify 学生无障碍服务 immediately if there's a problem with the material or if you withdraw from a course that requires 改动native text accommodations.

    请注意: 备用版本 of textbooks that you receive from the Coordinator of 学生无障碍服务 are meant to provide you with an accessible version of a book that you cannot purchase directly. When you request an 改动nate format of a textbook, you agree to the 出版商’s requirement that you will:

    1. 不分享, 复制, 贷款, 编辑, 改动, or distribute any 改动nate format text obtained from the Coordinator of 学生无障碍服务
    2. Delete any 改动nate or digital version of your book when you no longer possess the purchased or rented 复制.

     Any infringement or violation of copyright law could have legal repercussions beyond the realm for you and the University.


    MG冰球突破试玩提供 读 & 写 对学生免费开放. 读 & 写 Gold is an easy-to-use toolbar that highlights and reads text aloud and provides additional support with reading, 写作, 和学习.


      学生无障碍服务 provides instructional material in an 改动native format as an adjustment to students who have disabilities that adversely affect the ability to use standard printed materials. These 改动native formats include electronic text, large print, or braille. Only required instructional material will be provided in an 改动native format.

      Students must give adequate notice of their request for material in an 改动native format in order for 学生无障碍服务 to provide it in a timely manner, 最好是在需要前60天. Students are also required to provide proof of purchase of the instructional material before receiving the formatted material.

      • Determine if a student is eligible for an 改动native format.
      • Identify the specific type of format the student needs.
      • Provide the materials to the student in a timely manner.
      • Consult or problem-solve with the instructor when appropriate.
      • Request material in an 改动native format from 学生无障碍服务 in a timely manner.
      • Follow the 学生无障碍服务 政策 for Alternative/Electronic Text.
      • Notify 学生无障碍服务 of any changes in the request, e.g., a class dropped or if the instructor assigned more or different material.
      • Report any problems to 学生无障碍服务 immediately so appropriate steps can be taken to correct the situation.
      • 只要有可能, 保持教学大纲, 施舍, and other instructional materials in electronic text format on Canvas.
      • Provide 学生无障碍服务 with the course syllabus and a list of required reading material when requested.
      • Provide 学生无障碍服务 with any additional instructional material assigned throughout the semester when requested.
      • Consult with 学生无障碍服务 when appropriate.